Simulation training exercises


Simulation training

“Never a workout without a map”, is this possible? It is possible in countries where many terrains are accessible, countries with training centers, professional athletes, etc., but not for the average orienteer. Go4orienteering offers the alternative as “simulation training”. Thousands of ready-made exercising cards, with tasks and solutions, that can be used while running and exercising.

Everybody knows the classical indoor exercises: the running back and forth in a gymnasium. The simulation exercises set is based on this basic idea but turns it into a much more fascinating activity (see concept). The small children of starters are not forgotten, they can learn the map symbols and control descriptions in a very playful way. There are also exercises to even challenge the elite runner. Below is an easy and a difficult example.

symbols 1

We work around 6 topics

1. The map
2. The control description
3. A memorization game
4. Contours
5. Details perception
6. Sprint

At the moment, about 2000 exercises are ready and they handle the topics 1, 2, 3 and 5. More exercises are planned in 2023, first of all about the remaining topics but also supplementary exercises for the other topics. Go4orienteering will use the same principle as for the indoor and outdoor exercises. You just pay once when you purchase the usb-stick and you will get lifetime free updates. Of course, you need to sign the engagement first.

Download the simulation training engagement

You can also help us by sending us files of maps which we can use to make exercises. Preferably ocad files, of which we can make exercises of only contours, or a .jpeg of at least 300 dpi.

the concept

Running with a map is better than running without. This exercises set makes orienteering virtually possible in challenging terrains.

The exercises set is made to occupy everybody with certain aspects of orienteering while training or running. The exercises are all constructed in the same way. The runner receives a set of task cards on the starting place as well as a solution paper. The number of tasks is always 15.

omloopA small course is set before they begin for instance 150 meter, with or without obstacles. This distance varies according to the number of tasks of the set, the difficulty degree of the exercises and the experience of the runner.

For some of the exercises a round without a card is run before the pre-start. After that the runner gets a task card and runs the loop. Arriving back at the start he fills out the solution paper and leaves for the next loop. When he has received his last task, in some of the exercises, there is a last loop (sprint to the end) without a card. The total average covered distance is 2500-3000 meter. The higher the pace, the more difficult the exercise is. If the runner becomes tried, he will get careless and he will dare to gamble. Concentration till the end is necessary. These exercises provide the training for this.

The exercising sets have to be presented in the right order, with the reverse side up (otherwise the solution does not correspond).

We use 5 degrees of difficulty, shown by a color: yellow-green-blue-red-black

There are 2 types of solution cards. One is presented as multiple choice questions and the runner just has to encircle the correct answer, the other is a piece of a map where a route choice or a control location has to be drawn.

With every exercise there is a solution paper. If the exercise is executed by a group a debriefing can take place afterwards. In one training session multiple exercises can be done but with a good warming up and cooling down 2 or 3 exercises are sufficient to achieve high intensity and to cover enough distance.


Of course these exercises do not replace a real orienteering training but they can help to improve in certain aspects. For the little ones the exercises contribute in learning about the symbols and het understanding of the map, for the experienced runners it is all about understanding the contouring, the noticing and memorization of the details, etc. The exercises always start easy and evolve to more difficult and challenging. Besides that a lot of miles can be run, individually or in group, and a dull training can become an interesting and fascinating activity.

The exercises are motivating and fun to do. They help youngsters through their daily duty of exercising where it is possible that the motivation to orienteer decreases..

The order of one range of exercises or of the different ranges does not always have to be the same; they do not have to be executed in a specific order. A choice can be made according to the age and skills of the runners. It is also possible to do exercises of one range during one training and continue a few trainings later (weeks, months, etc…) with the other (more difficult) exercises.

Some exercises can be used as a warming up activity.

If the weather conditions are bad, the exercises can be done inside.


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