In and outdoor exercices


In and outdoor exercices

Every exercising set is ready made and can be used immediately, they take little preparation time and material and focus on challenging youngsters. People of all ages take pleasure in doing the exercises.

The in and outdoor exercises are offered on a USB stick, in pdf format, a total of 50 series together more than 3200 exercises. All other useful information as a manual, controls, starts, control cards, etc. can be found on the USB stick as well. In short, all you need. Laminated exercises are available on request after having purchased the USB-stick

GO4O_content USB stick

Before you start the exercises it is necessary to read the manual first. The concept is explained in detail exercise by exercise and by series. The emplacements and the purpose of each exercise are explained in detail. Then you must make a choice which exercise to do because doing all of them in a few weeks in not possible. There are enough exercises for months even years. The chosen exercise can then be printed and laminated. Our advice is to put 2 exercises on one A4 paper (so the exercise cards are format A5).

Alle images used are of high quality. This makes it easy to copy/paste them in a presentation of to print the pdfs enlarged. This is also possible to do if you make the correct adjustments.

Also bear in mind that the exercises can be executed without help of Go4orienteering. The set is designed to do the exercises independently, quickly and easy. But do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions.

Some examples:

Pay attention: there is one condition to the purchase, namely that every purchaser has to commit himself to an engagement with Go4orienteering. This engagement ensures Go4orienteering that the © copyright is respected. Opposite this Go4orienteering is committed to do all desired changes or new developments of new series for free (with exception of the costs for the USB stick and the delivery costs if the files are too big to send electronically). For all the registered owners of a set (in and outdoor exercises and/or simulation training exercises. Download the engagement


the concept

For every series there is a master map and one or several maps with solutions. Every series has a large number of different small courses that can be executed in the chosen set-up.


Within a series exercises that vary in difficulty can be executed. The degree of difficulty is illustrated with stars on top of each card. The more stars in black, the more difficult the exercise. This is particularly challenging for the faster runners, while in the meantime the slower runners can do the same exercise over again.

The starting point (triangle with a letter) is situated on de edge of the area. Between 3 and 24 starting places are possible, all according to the chosen series. The finish can be at any starting place on the edge.

On the maps a clear north arrow is visible mostly on top of the map but sometimes also in-between the tasks.

In the area where the exercises are executed, the North is indicated by a board, a sign on the wall or by another large object. The north doesn’t have to match the real north.

By constantly turning the map to the north (to orient) the runner can find his way to the correct controls. If the runner notices that has made a mistake then he can start over immediately.

Many runners can do a course at the same time.

To follow-up or to control the runners is an easy way, the placement of the starting positions and the control numbers are written on the master card. By using this set up the solutions match those of the solution cards.

The controls have to be taken in the right order. Each time the runners takes note of the number of the exercise and the number of the controls. They write them down in the provided place of the control cards.


It is also possible to make groups of 2 runners, one runner executes the exercise and the other calls out the number of the control to his colleague who notes it down on the control card. Then they switch positions. This way the runner who does the exercise can fully concentrate on the exercise and can keep contact with the map.

As a sports monitor or a teacher it is possible to check the solutions yourself, or you can put them on a specific place or hang them up, so that the runners can check for themselves to see if they have done a good job. It is also possible to integrate the exempted runners for this task.


The exercises are ready to go and ready to be used and they are adapted to the school’s or club’s environment. The preparation time is minimal.

The exercises can, according to the weather circumstances, be held in or outside.

You can start at once with the elementary exercises. People of all ages can be challenged with these exercises series because of the increasing difficulty degree and the constructive nature. (see concept).

The exercises become more difficult when the distances between the objects are increased.

The package of exercises has no need for a specific map of a school area. It allows learning some of the basic skills.

The exercises can be held on the school or club grounds, within the teaching period, without distant displacements.

The duration is controllable. A teacher or trainer cannot exceed the admitted time limit. The exercises are well limited and executable within a period of teaching. The exercises are well defined, secure and executable within one hour of teaching.

The exercises set is usable for large groups and there is little or no lost time. A class can count up to 30 students. A normal starting interval for an orienteering event is for instance 2 minutes. In school the lesson would already be over before the last student got started. The active learning time should be made in such a way that as much students as possible can start at the same time and that they should stand still as little as possible.

Young people can sometimes be hard to motivate. For that reason the exercises are made in an extra challenging and fun way, including adventurous and playful elements in different degrees of difficulty, therefor the emphasis on the physical aspect is experienced unconsciously.

“Cheating” and “sabotage” are avoided by the use of a simple control system.

The exercises can be used as warming up or as a training activity by club members.

The exercises can be done as a competition against the clock.

The exercises can be used for relays.


Purchase the USB-stick


Go4O and SPORTident

To make the exercises set of Go4orienteering (Go4O) even more attractive, exercises that can be done with the SPORTident system are also available on the USB-stick. An automatic verification of the correct execution of the exercises is now possible. The SPORTident system is a complete set of electronic numbers (to replace the classical standard controls) and chips (named SI-card, to replace the pencil). After executing an exercise the automatic control and read out on PC.

SI set

The big advantage now is that runners no longer have to note down the numbers and so the execution speed increases (as well as the physical component). The participant receives an electronic SI-card. The control numbers are replaced by electronic SI numbers, nice looking boxes with a hole that needs to be punched. The runners punch the controls and the numbers get registered on the chip automatically. The running time is calculated by punching an electronic stations start and finish. Click for more information about the SPORTident system.

Because of the electronic registrations the exercises can be made more attractive, more pleasant and more competitive. Cheating becomes impossible, the same control can be used more than once in a single course, instead of being restricted to 7 controls, some exercises can now have up to 20 controls. All the exercises can also be executed as a relay.

An automatic verification is done until now on a PC with the free program “EasyGec”. This software is available in several languages (Dutch, English, French and German). The solutions of the exercises are delivered in an EasyGec file. Click to go to the website of Thierry Porret, the developer of the software. A manual is provided but the program is very simple and easy in use. It takes less than one hour to get to know it.

Before starting the exercises a file with the names of the participants can be introduced in the program, for instance by class or group. In order to be able to start the solutions (or courses) need to be loaded in the program. The rest happens automatically. After execution of the exercise the SI-card is read out and the program shows a smiley on the PC screen, a green smiley for the right execution, a red smiley for the wrong execution of the exercise. The participants can do the read out themselves, no guidance is needed.

Post evolution is possible. All the executed exercises are stored and are available in a html or excel file.

EasyGec is also suited for other activities. Free input of exercises or courses is possible, even a mass start or score run can be introduced. For running exercises and combined activities (run-bike) the sequence of the controls is introduced and so the verification of the correct execution is also possible. A results list can also be printed.


Purchase the USB-stick